Davor's Gatsby site

Testing Import via GraphQL

Currently testing importing from WordPress via GraphQL. I'm using my test site and this is just the 1.0 version of this import :)

Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor

The goal of this new editor is to make adding rich content to WordPress simple and enjoyable. This whole post is composed of pieces of content—somewhat similar to LEGO bricks—that you can move around and interact with. Move your cursor around and you’ll notice the different blocks light up with outlines and arrows. Press the … Continue reading Welcome to the Gutenberg Editor

Testing Gatsby

Gummies powder cupcake sweet dragée. Marshmallow chocolate bar sweet lemon drops caramels. Toffee cake jujubes carrot cake carrot cake. Sweet cupcake powder gingerbread toffee. Jelly lemon drops pastry. Marzipan soufflé cake danish liquorice. Jujubes muffin pastry biscuit marshmallow cake. Fruitcake tiramisu lollipop bear claw pudding brownie. Candy candy caramels tiramisu oat cake pudding. Liquorice sugar plum fruitcake. Chocolate bar toffee chocolate donut. Jelly-o jujubes lemon drops candy canes cake sweet roll. Gingerbread biscuit sugar plum. Gummies sweet dragée cheesecake.

Next Stop: Cheesecakes

Once I grasp this way of pulling the posts from a WordPress site into my Gatsby site and style it a bit, I’ll start pulling in the content from my personal blog. The first piece of content will be my Cheesecake posts 😀

New new post

Liquorice sweet icing candy cream canes caramels biscuit jelly-o apple pie brownie. Croissant lollipop cake macaroon cotton candy gingerbread. Jelly-o gingerbread tira

New new new post

Gummies powder cupcake sweet dragée. Marshmallow chocolate bar sweet lemon drops caramels. Toffee cake jujubes carrot cake carrot cake. Sweet cupcake powder gingerbread toffee. Jelly lemon drops pastry. Marzipan soufflé cake danish liquorice. Jujubes muffin pastry biscuit marshmallow cake. Fruitcake tiramisu lollipop bear claw pudding brownie. Candy candy caramels tiramisu oat cake pudding. Liquorice sugar … Continue reading New new new post

private test


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